Welcome Holly!
Four Greens Community Trust would like to warmly welcome our Marketing and Communications Lead, Holly Launce, to our team. Holly first started working for us in February 2022 as a volunteer and over past 9 months, she has integrated wonderfully into the Four Greens Wellbeing Hub family. Her roles as volunteer originally started at the Fun4All sessions which run each Thursday at 6pm for people with learning and physical disabilities. She was then invited to also start volunteering for the Community Larder which runs every Thursday from 2pm until 5pm, helping everyone in the Plymouth community access affordable food. Reception duties then became her next port of call and her continuous hard work has led to Four Greens wanting to give her a full time position to promote what the Wellbeing Hub is and everything it stands for, over the next 12 months as part of the Time to Shine programme with the Rank Foundation.
Well done Holly and we look forward to continue working with you!
From all at Four Greens.
