FGCT was established as a Community Interest Company in 2014 in partnership with Plymouth City Council. Serving 30,000 residents in the north of the city, the area is characterised by high deprivation, poor health care and low levels of local employment.
See below for an up to date list of key milestones.
Key Milestones
January 2013
Cabinet report took the decision to establish a new Community Economic Development Trust (CEDT) in the north of the City and ring fence 11 assets to it as a means of supporting job creation and employment, whilst building community capacity in the north of the city.
October 2014
Cabinet report approves the transfer of the former Whitleigh Care Home to the Four Greens Community Trust by way of a lease for a period of 35 years.
May 2015
Appointment of a Business Development Manager
March 2016
Cabinet report approves the grant of a lease of the Ernesettle Land to FGCT for a period of 35 years.
March 2016
Delivery of the Ernesettle Solar site by Plymouth Energy Community.
July 2018
FGCT appoint their own staff – Caretaker, Cleaner, Facilities Manager and Strategic Development consultant.
October 2018
FGCT Whitleigh building launched as a designated Wellbeing Hub.
March 2019
FGCT breaks even for first time and PCC transfer all financial management systems over to FGCT, allowing FGCT to invoice tenants direct and set up their financial management systems.
Summer 2019
Regeneration and investment in Ernesettle land and buildings assets creating employment and volunteering opportunities in addition to generating additional income for the FGCT.
March 2020
FGCT submit new three year strategy for creating a robust local economy that improves prosperity and wellbeing of the community.
March 2020
Signing of Lease and Service Level Agreement by appropriate officers with an Executive Decision sign off by the Cabinet Member.